July 1, 2009

What does July 1st mean for EUSD?

Today, July 1st, 2009, will hopefully mark a passage into a new era at EUSD, as Lean King fades into the rear-view mirror of history, and our hopes remain high that Dr. Tim Baird will bring a genuinely fresh set of eyes to the institution. Still, we remain guarded in our optimism since it has been the board of trustees that has been primarily culpable, allowing and abetting Mr. King in his divisive course. Perhaps, if Dr. Baird puts forth a positive and sincere effort, the board will fall into step with him, reversing course as they so quickly seemed to do after the departure of Dr. DeVore. While none of us (bloggers) is particularly partisan, and we have no affiliation with the board's list of “usual suspects” (ie – we aren't TIP parents), we feel it important to mention that this fault lies with the longstanding members of the school board, and not, as yet, with the board member who is new to the situation, Maureen Muir. To date she seems to be exhibiting a strong streak of independence, which is, in itself, a very hopeful sign. Her unaccompanied appearances out-and-about at the schools has not gone unnoticed, her presence at such events as EEF meetings, and her willingness to speak up against the normally lock-step majority in board meetings on issues like academic consultant rates, are all laudable and refreshing. It seems, to those of us who've been around awhile, that there was a time when Mrs. Skiljan and Mr. Parker were of a similar nature: independent in their thoughts and comments. With any luck and the influence of a new superintendent, perhaps they will rekindle or dust off those qualities within themselves. For Mrs. Strich and particularly Mrs. Regan, for differing reasons, there seems to be no cause for optimism in this area. That topic will lend itself to a separate blog entry, forthcoming.

For today, let's welcome Dr. Baird with genuine goodwill, and give him the benefit of the doubt: Perhaps he is his own person, makes his own assessments of situations, of people, of right and wrong, and will come to see clearly the very great task that lies before him. He has waded into the middle of the muck that has been carefully stirred and fermented by his predecessor over these last few years, and he will need the support and help of all of us if he is to steer the district toward a restoration of its former “self”.

On a somewhat tangential note, one of us, a teacher in the district, found last week that this blog's website has evidently been blocked by the district and can no longer be accessed from school campuses, with the administration using its Internet filter to accomplish this. Apparently Mr. King wanted to get off one parting shot before his tenure came to a close, though it was too little, too late, since teaching staff has been advised that campuses are closed for the summer and office staff seem to be gone as well. Still, this is a quintessential example of the Lean King method of engaging dissent: quash, derail, and stifle, using bully tactics and his position of control to do so. The Internet filter, supposedly in place to protect students from pornography and hate-group websites, seems to be quickly and easily co-opted for use in censoring open discussion that Mr. King and/or the board find unpalatable. It is regrettable that they would choose to use technology, which can so easily foster discussion and open exchange of ideas, as a means of suppressing those things, and bears a sad similarity to larger world events (Lean Ahmadinejad?). They encourage us as educators to use it in a way that promotes collaboration, but we must point out to the many EUSD employees who are following this blog and have sent email and comments, be aware that the administration evidently does not have qualms about using the technology police to shape the information you see while at school. Sad. Perhaps the new guy will reconsider.


  1. For what it's worth, most schools web-blockers filter anything listed as 'social networking' (aka, blogging). The district where I teach uses 'websense' and I can't even view education blogs, as they're description is still 'social networking'. I'm not sure what product EUSD uses, but FYI. Thanks for blogging!

  2. Don't be naive! We were able to get to the As EUSD in Conversation blog with no problem at first, and then it got blocked. I asked my office manager about it, and she said that the District had blocked the site because they can make special blocking and unblocking changes to the software themselves. I was telling a friend of mine who teaches in another district about this censorship, and his district uses Web Sense (?) also, so he tried it on his classroom computer, and surprise surprise he got to the blog just fine!!! So it's not like the blocking software is universally blocking it - this is obviously an inside job. Frankly, I don't know why our tech people would block it when King treats them like dogs from what I can tell, but I suppose they have do what he tells them, or maybe he blocked it himself. I could totally see him getting getting off on a power trip by being able to control what we see in our classrooms. Whatever - he's history. I think the July 1 blog post is a classic, comparing King to the president of Iran! I'd say he's that plus the Chinese riot police, with a little self-absorbed Joseph Jackson thrown in! Maybe now that he's retired (on $200K+ a year) he go help the Chinese with their Internet suppression of dissidents.

  3. The comments above are totally missing the point of the blogger's post, which was not mainly about technology or censorship: The school district is in pretty serious disrepair, and maybe the new #1 man can start steering things back in some good direction, but how can he really do that when the root of the problem is still in place, namely, the 4 cronies on the school board? (My scorecard is still open on "Mo".) The four "oldies" are obviously just 'phoning it in' - just go to a meeting or two. It's sad. We need new representation. We need dynamic people to run for the seats that are coming up next Fall, and that seems to be what's forming in the ethers. Bloggers? You running? Please do. It's overdue.

  4. "We need new representation"July 8, 2009 at 6:01 PM

    Did anyone pay attention to the last two EUSD Board meetings? Talk about "the four "oldies" are obviously just 'phoning it in' - just go to a meeting or two" – you got that right! If the District won't web-cast these meetings (for very obvious reasons – e.g. someone doesn't want us to see her busy texting during the budget presentation, and others don't want everyone to see that they clearly haven't read the agenda prior to the meeting). Someone needs to start videoing them and simply posting them on U-tube. Who's up first? Can we post them on this blog site?

    Meanwhile … Last month they heard a presentation on next year's budget. Let's face it – this is their most important responsibility – oversight of >$50M. After sitting through 45 minutes of doom, gloom and economic crises, guess how many questions they had…? Take a wild guess how long the discussion lasted? All night? Into the wee hours? Try again. ZERO QUESTIONS. NO DISCUSSION. How is this possible? Wouldn't any normal person have a lot of concerns, issues, etc – how can we address the uncertainties? How much worse off is the District? Where will the cuts be made? Do cuts need to make, etc, etc. But no, nothing, not a peep from any of them. Amazing.
    Next up - PV. Mo at least asked for the cost of new re-zone process; King, in that patronizing manner of his, completely blew off the question – "Oh, not much". Isn't that kind of important information you'd want to know before making a decision to go forward with the project? Just how much is "not much"? Another $400K?

    Last night's presentation/discussion of the District's Strategic Planning Targets was no better. After the presentation was read verbatim from the slides, a District teacher spoke during public comments, to express frustrations with the current District Benchmark Assessments (covered in the planning targets). With no other speakers, and a meeting that ended in record time, Strich still cut him off at the end of his 3 minutes, when he seemed to have some valid points (Baird appeared to be agreeing with him) and obviously only needed a little extra time. Nice. The only other comment was from the Board President who was very concerned that the public might think the phrase "community garden" meant folks could come and start gardening on school property, rather than involving the community in the existing garden projects. Whew, thank goodness she's paying attention – averted a major disaster there! And that was pretty much it. These are the District goals for the next 12 months and they have nothing to say about them? Any corporate goals I've ever seen have roadmaps for achievement, measurable outcomes, defined timelines, specific review dates, planned interventions for failing goals and so on. None of that was presented or discussed. Guess it just isn't that important.
    "Sad" doesn't begin to describe it.

  5. I totally agree! I don't know how it is that there never seem to be any questions, no discussion, and that they go through the motions and nobody busts them on it. I'm not a TIP'ster, and have no particular knowledge of Mrs. Muir, but I'm starting to like her more with every passing encounter. I must admit that I didn't vote for her, probably because I bought into the crap that Lean King and his minions were feeding us about her "charter school agenda" and her "campaign of disruption and score-settling". I now regret my myopic vote, as I see her showing the only signs of life on the school board. And their militant adherence to the 3-minute rule, even when there's no crowd and a short agenda, is just rude. A few meetings back, a parent from Capri was actually gaveled down by King as he was finishing up remarks about the Dual Language program there. It was obvious he'd put a lot of though into them, and I didn't think he was being rude at all, but King and Stritch couldn't give the poor guy an extra minute. Aren't the board members elected by "we the people" so that they can stand up for our interests and work on our concerns? Anyway, I thought it was very rude and I felt for the dad. Oh - I hope the bloggers will agree to post any stealthy video of board meetings, since the board obviously doesn't plan to do anything in that regard. Please bloggers?

  6. New RepresentationJuly 9, 2009 at 10:17 PM

    To "Who Elected"
    No need for any "stealth" videotaping. The Brown Act clearly says that it's OK to record public meetings. If this Board was smart (haha!), they would start recording and uploading it themselves to the District website, becasue once the parents start doing it and posting ALONG WITH THEIR OWN COMMENTS AND OPINIONS - they're gonna start looking much worse off. If they record / release, at least there will be some damage control (though not much!)

  7. Please read EUSD Oct 13 agenda regarding their plans for former Pacific view School Site.
